• Do I need to create an account?

    Yes. If this is your first time using this online learning platform, you will need to create an account. You may already have an account for other MHA platforms; however, you will need to create a new login for KeyLearnings.

  • How do I create an account?

    To create a KeyLearnings account you can either click the "Sign Up" button on the home page or click "Sign In" on the navigation bar. Scroll down and click "create a new account." You will need to fill in all of the required information, and create a password.

  • I've taken this course on a different platform, should I take the course here?

    If you have taken one of the listed courses on our previous platform, you don't need to take it again here. Information will be the same. However, there may be some updates to the look or feel for some courses.

  • Do I need to work at a Michigan hospital to take a course?

    These courses are primarily developed to apply to Michigan hospital standards and procedures. However, many courses have been created for healthcare workers outside of acute care settings as well. Please apply for any course you are interested in taking. The MHA Keystone Center team will review and approve enrollments when applicable.